The Fam

The Fam

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Project 365 Day 292

Had a WONDERFUL time in Lawrence watching KU basketball. In the grand scheme of things not a big deal, but it was so much fun to celebrate the players, tradition and spirit of this place. My husband gives amazing gifts and was the ultimate sport and perhaps even enjoyed the game.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Project 365 Day 291

Let the dogs outside and saw the beautiful moon.  One of these days I'll actually have a class I can take that matches up with my location and schedule so I can really learn how to do this, but for now this is what you get.

Moon behind trees

Project 365 Day 290

A little Sangria and Wednesday family game night. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Friday, February 19, 2016

Project 365 Day 286

Watched a great new documentary series on Netflix tonight entitled "Cooked".  It explores how our culture got away from producing and cooking our own food.  Mike and I have been trying to be on a journey of this so called "slow food" and only eating meat that we feel like we can assure was responsibly sourced and to make the majority of our own meals or support local food and restaurants.  I know that I feel better and eat better when I operate this way.  This series really inspired me to get back to that commitment and shockingly, to spend more time in the kitchen cooking.  Most who know me know that I consider myself a terrible cook but am incredibly lucky to be married to a great cook.  We do on occasion cook together and when we are at our best selves (me careful and Mike patient) we have a really enjoyable time doing that, so my hope is to bring that back to our kitchen and for me to find the joy in cooking, not just in eating.  Lord knows I will still find the occasion for Queso and Ice Cream, A couple of photos to inspire the journey.

Project 365 Day 285

Sunrise to sunset

Early morning owl



Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Project 365 Day 284

Another successful family game night, and by successful I mean...I won.  :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Project 365 Day 283

You mean you don't have your bikes set up on trainers in your family room and workout while your husband watches a basketball game on TV and you watch Ellen on your tablet?  Strange, I thought everyone did that.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Project 365 Day 282

Was happy to spend a great weekend with friends but was also thrilled to come home to my sweet family and a homemade gift from my valentine.  Life is rich and good.

Project 365 Day 281

On Saturday the day was spent eating, laughing, sightseeing at the JFK memorial and laughing and eating some more.

Project 365 Day 280

Took a trip to Texas this weekend to visit with some dear long-time and newer friends.  Friday was spent hanging out making silly faces and posing for the camera.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Project 365 Day 279

A chilly winter evening.

Project 365 Day 278

Did the beginning of the guest bathroom remodel by staining our vanity.  Can't get the full effect in pictures but it turned out pretty well.  I am proud of myself that I did it start to finish on my own.  Next up....paint. 

Project 365 Day 277

Lazy Saturday dog.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Project 365 Day 276

More playing outside today.  I will NEVER complain about 50 degree weather and January and neither will these crazies!

Mom, it's nice out, you should probably go play in the yard with us.

He could model for anyone holding a tennis ball.

Happy guy!!

The lion dog!

Ready to chase!  

Project 365 Day 275

We had a great evening with Mike's Christmas present adventure, Sci-fi First Friday at the St. Louis Science Center and a yummy dinner of Tapas, sangria and dessert. 

Project 365 Day 274

It's a dog-centric week here on the blog, mostly because I haven't been out and about and not a lot of new interesting scenery to capture.  But if you want to capture everyday life, this is it.  Playing ball in the yard and snuggling with these furry faces.

I care not about your camera woman, throw the damn ball.

When the neighbors goats and chickens are out, I gotta howl!!!