The Fam

The Fam

Monday, March 28, 2016

Project 365 Day 314

Adventures in doggy sitting....

We have Bella and Sampson here for a few days.  Their Mom is our good friend and regular dog sitter so it's only appropriate we return the favor.  We've had a lot of fun but these two tiny dogs are giving the big guys a run for their money.

Large and in charge

Sheldon and his mini-me, Sampson

Come on kids, let's remember who is REALLY in charge. 

Project 365 Day 313

Hoppy Easter.  Thanks Grandma for the Easter Sock Monkey Bunny.  I haven't ate it yet.

Project 365 Day 312

Bella the beast.  Just visiting.

Project 365 Day 311

Sheldon silly face

Project 365 Day 310

Another Wednesday Watson game night. Soooo many brain cells needed for this one.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Project 365 Day 309

These funny faces and I had a good time goofing around on the deck tonight.

Mom, I don't know why you won't let me loose.  I promise I don't want to kill the sheep, I just want to go play with them.

Project 365 Day 308

Eleanor sure enjoyed having Alex here for the weekend.  He spoils her just like Mike.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Project 365 Day 307

Eleanor is NOT impressed with March Madness.

Project 365 Day 306

Happy Birthday to Porthos, aka Pup Pup.  He came to live with us after some friends had to leave him as they moved overseas.  That was 6 years ago and he's been nothing but a joy ever since.  He's the Alpha of our pack and brings the balance to our little group.  He's sweet, goofy and we love him so much.  For his birthday we took him to get groomed and while he felt the bunny bandanna was beneath his dignity he did feel better and loved running the yard and playing frisbee when we got home. 11 may be old for dogs, but this guy is healthy and just keeps on trucking.

Project 365 Day 305

Evening clouds before the storm

Monday, March 14, 2016

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Project 365 Day 303

Rainy days

So many muddy paw prints in the yard and on the floors

Project 365 Day 302

Spring at home

Turns out chickens don't actually cross the road

Project 365 Day 301

Sunrise through the trees

Project 365 Day 300

From a hotel somewhere in southwest Missouri.

Project 365 Day 299

Eleanor.....trying to not look secretly excited about Mommy packing to go out of town for a couple of days for work.  She tolerates me, but she LOVES Mike and pretty much prefers when I'm not there to interrupt her snuggling with him.